Monday, April 23, 2012

Grand America Hotel

I love this hotel in Salt Lake City.  It's so chic, I die.  Kaitlyn and I had 2 wedding receptions to go to and we took a few pictures in between. 

A Night at the HFAC


We went to see what all the hype was and it was really cool.  There were performances, art on display, irish dancers, 40s- inspired bands playing, and we saw the recording studio they have. 

Pi Day

We had a Pi Day party at our apartment which was such a success that it'll become a tradish!



My life is finally complete.  I have fish!  I went to get them with Kevin, Jessica, and Kaitlyn.  They're so presh. 

 Jessica's fish is Clede, Kaitlyn's is Zippy, Kevin's is Ron Burgundy, and mine is King Julian

Breakfast Rugby Birthday

Erin came down Saturday morning so we made breakfast at Bu's house with Kacy

It's Allie's birthday!  Our little freshman is growing up.  We had a birthday cake for her when we got home from FHE.

Earlier we went to a Rugby game, which is surprisingly big in Utah.  Al played in high school so she brought us with her family. 

 Isn't this cool? 

FHE Family

Our FHE family is amazing!  We hang out all the time and we've had some great times this semester. 

We had a southern dinner- these boys are from Virginia!  It was after church so we decided to wear plaid shirts with our skirts.  The boys did it too so of course, we had to take pictures!


 Slab Pizza is in the basement of my apartment complex, needless to say it's delish.  

Buffalo Wing. hands down.

Tanner's Mission Call

 Jake, Sterling, and I went over to Aunt Darla's house to see Tanner open his envelope and discover where he'll be spending the next two years.

 His call- Las Vegas, Nevada Spanish speaking!

 Sterling woke up for the occasion